Thursday, January 11, 2007

So many issues

Well I am back at my house on base. Thank God. It has been long awaited. I had to go a meeting at the Chapel on base for a brief about our Marines coming home from deployment. Right now it is set for 0400 on the 17Th of January. If you are not used to that time it just means four a.m. That is way to early for me. Don't get me wrong I want to see my husband again but we have two small children. If he will be back at four a.m. that means that I will have to have the kids up and ready by three thirty in the morning. As anyone with children know that is not a good time for a two and a half year old and a one year old. Normally we would all be asleep at that horrible time. One to the issues at hand. I haved just had my phone turned on again and now am able to get onto the internet so that I can get back on to blog. I had a huge amount of email to go through. I have already went through atleast half of my mail and I still have atleast 150 emails to look at. Not much progress on the knitting frount. The kids were sick for the past weeek and have now passed it on to me so that I can enjoy the bug that they had. I am not sure what it is although it seems like a misture of the flu and a stomach viris. Just enought to put me out of commison for a couple of days. Well off to see if I can get my cranky babies in bed with out too much screaming and crying on their part.

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